This event is being hosted by Australia Counselling member and Sydney psychotherapist Curt Mason.

Sydney Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program

“If you take care of each moment, you will take care of all time. There is only one time when it is essential to awaken. That time is now.” ~Jack Kornfield 

What is a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program?

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn developed the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1979. The MBSR program is now offered in over 200 medical centers, hospitals, and clinics around the world, and has been extensively researched for over 30 years.

Since its inception, MBSR has evolved into a common form of complementary medicine addressing a variety of health problems ranging from stress, depression and anxiety, compulsive/addictive behaviors, pain-management and issues relating to self-worth/image.

MBSR brings together mindfulness meditation and movement and is ideal for cultivating greater awareness of the unity of mind and body, as well as of the ways the unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can undermine emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

The mind is known to be a factor in stress and stress-related illnesses, and meditation has been shown to positively affect a range of autonomic physiological processes, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing overall arousal and emotional reactivity. In addition to mindfulness practices, MBSR teaches you about the physiology of stress, why we react in the way that we do in present western culture and how our mind and body has evolved over millions of years.

THE MBSR program is an 8-week intensive training in mindfulness meditation that runs for 2.5 hours from 6:30-9pm. There is also a mandatory long day intensive 9am-5pm. This eight week program is priced at $550 (inc. GST).

Check out the details below to register for this course or to find out more.

Click here to download the PDF flyer.

Contact Phone Number:

Curt Mason, 0433 568 261


207/59 Great Buckingham Street, Redfern, Sydney, NSW 2016


20th August 2013 – 5th October 2013

6.30pm – 9pm


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